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  • 名  称:密码协议:基于可信任新鲜性的安全性分析(英文版) - 下载地址1
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l Introduction of Cryptographic Protocols
1.1 Information security and cryptography
1.2 Classes of cryptographic protocols
1.2.1 Authentication protocol
1.2.2 Kev establishment protocol
1.2.3 Electronic commerce protocol
1.2.4 Secure multi-party protocol
1.3 Security of cryptographic protocols
1.4 Motivations of this book
2 Background of Cryptographic Protocols
2.1 Preliminaries
2.1.1 Functions
2.1.2 Terminology
2.2 Cryptographic primitives
2.2.1 Cryptology
2.2.2 Symmetric-key encryption
2.2.3 Public-key encryption
2.2.4 Digital signatures
2.2.5 Hash Functions
2.2.6 Message authentication
2.3 Cryptographic protocols
2.3.1 Secure channel
2.3.2 Principals
2.3.3 Time-variant parameters
2.3.4 Challenge and response
2.3.5 Other classes of cryptographic protocols
2.4 Security of cryptographic protoco
2.4.1 Attacks on primitives
2.4.2 Attacks on protocols
2.4.3 Security of protocols
2.4.4 Analysis methods for protocol security
2.5 Communication threat model
2.5.1 Dolev-Yao threat model
2.5.2 Assumptions ofprotoc01 environment
2.5.3 Expressions of cryptographic protocols
3 Engineering Principles for Security Design of Protocols
3.1 Introduction of engineering principles
3.1.1 Prudent engineering principles
3.1.2 Cryptographic protocol engineering principles
3.2 Protocol engineering requirement analysis
3.2.1 Security requirement analysis
3.2.2 Plailltext analysis
3.2.3 Application environment analysis
3.2.4 Attack model and adversary abilities analysis
3.2.5 Cryptographic service requirement analysis
3.3 Detailed protocol design
3.3.1 Liveness of the principal’S identity
3.3.2 neshness and association of time-variant parameter
3.3.3 Data integrity protection of message
3.3.4 Stepwise refinement
3.4 Provable security References.
4 Informal Analysis Schemes of Cryptographic Protocols
4.1 The security of cryptographic protocols
4.1.1 Authenticity and confidentiality under computational model
4.1.2 Security definitions
4.2 Security mechanism based on trusted freshenss
4.2.1 Notions
4.2.2 Freshness principle
4.2.3 Security of authentication protoc01
4.2.4 Manual analysis based on trusted freshness
4.2.5 Application of security analysis based on trusted freshness
4.3 Analysis of classic attacks
4.3.1 Man in the middle attack
4.3.2 Source-substitution attack
5 Security Analysis of Real World Protocols
6 Guarantee of Cryptographic Protocol Security
7 Formalism of Protocol Security Analysis
8 Design of Cryptographic Protocols Based on Trusted
9 Automated Analysis of Cryptographic Protocols

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