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DIN 3093-1-1988 铝塑性合金套筒 等壁厚椭圆管毛坯 交货技术条件

  • 类  别:国外标准
  • 英文名称:Wrought aluminium alloy ferrules; tubing blanks of oval section and constant wall thickness; technical delivery conditions
  • 下载地址:[下载地址1]
  • 提 取 码jdkt
  • 浏览次数:3
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标 准 编 号:DIN 3093-1-1988
简体中文标题:铝塑性合金套筒 等壁厚椭圆管毛坯 交货技术条件
繁体中文标题:铝塑性合金套筒 等壁厚椭圆管毛坯 交货技术条件
English Name:Wrought aluminium alloy ferrules; tubing blanks of oval section and constant wall thickness; technical delivery conditions

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