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西尔斯当代大学物理(英文版 原书12版 下册)

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西尔斯当代大学物理(英文版 原书12版 下册)
1 Units,Physical Quantities,and Vectors
1.1 The Nature of Physics
1.2 Solving Physics Problems
1.3  Standards and Units
1.4 Unit Consistency and Conversions
1.5  Uncertainty and Signifi. cant Figures
1.6 Estimates and Orders of Magnitude
1.7 Vectors and Vector Addition
1.8  Components of Vectors
1.9  Unit Vectors
1. I0 Products of Vectors

2 Motion Along a Straight Line
2. 1  Displacement, Time, and Average Velocity
2.2 Instantaneous Velocity
2.3  Average and Instantaneous
2.4 Motion with Constant Acceleration
2.5  Freely Falling Bodies
2.6 Velocity and Position by Integration

3 Motion in Two or Three Dimensions
3.1  Position and Velocity Vectors
3.2 The Acceleration Vector
3.3 Projectile Motion
3.4 Motion in a Circle
3.5 Relative Velocity

4 Newton,s Laws of Motion
4.1 Force and Interactions
4.2 Newton's First Law
4.3 Newton's Second Law
4.4 Mass and Weight
4.5 Newton' s Third Law
4.6 Free-Body Diagrams

5 Applying Newton's Laws
5. 1  Using Newton's First Law:Particles in Equilibrium
5.2 Using Newton' s Second Law:Dynamics of Particles
5.3  Frictional Forces
5.4 Dynamics of Circular Motion
5.5  The Fundamental Forces of Nature

6 Work and Kinetic Energy
6. 1  Work
6.2 Kinetic Energy and the Work-Energy Theorem
6.3  Work and Energy with Varying Forces
6.4 Power

7 Potential Energyand Energy Conservation
7. 1  Gravitational Potential Energy
7.2 Elastic Potential Energy
7.3  Conservative and Nonconservative Forces
7.4  Force and Potential Energy
7.5  Energy Diagrams

8 Momentum,Impulse,and Collisions
8. 1  Momentum and Impulse
8.2  Conservation of Momentum
8.3  Momentum Conservation and Collisions
8.4 Elastic Collisions
8.5  Center of Mass
8.6  Rocket Propulsion

9 Rotation of Rigid Bodies
9.1  Angular Velocity and Acceleration
9.2 Rotation with Constant Angular Acceleration
9.3  Relating Linear and Angular Kinematics
9.4 Energy in Rotational Motion
9.5  Parallel-Axis Theorem
9.6  Moment-of-Inertia Calculations

10 Dynamics of Rotational Motion
10. 1  Torque
10.2 Torque and Angular Acceleration for a Rigid Body
10. 3 Rigid-Body Rotation About a Moving Axis
10.4 Work and Power in Rotational Motion
10.5  Angular Momentum
10.6  Conservation of Angular Momentum
10.7  Gyroscopes and Precession

11 Equilibrium and Elasticity
11.1  Conditions for Equilibrium
11.2  Center of Gravity
11.3  Solving Rigid-Body Equilibrium Problems
11.4 Stress, Strain, and Elastic Moduli
11.5 Elasticity and Plasticity

12 Gravitation
12.1  Newton's Law of Gravitation
12.2 Weight
12.3  Gravitational Potential Energy
12.4 The Motion of Satellites
12.5  Kepler' s Laws and the Motion of Planets
12. 6 Spherical Mass Distributions
12.7 Apparent Weight and the Earth'Rotation
12.8  Black Holes

13 Periodic Motion
13. 1  Describing Oscillation
13.2 Simple Harmonic Motion
13.3  Energy in Simple Harmonic Motion
13.4 Applications of Simple Harmonic Motion
13.5 The Simple Pendulum
13.6 The Physical Pendulum
13.7 Damped Oscillations
13.8  Forced Oscillations and Resonance

14 F1uid Mechanics Waves/Acoustics
14. 1  Density
ld. 2 Pressure in a Fluid
ld. 3  Buoyancy
ld. 4 Fluid Flow
14.5  Bernoulli' s Equation
14.6  Viscosity and Turbulence

15 Mechanical Waves
15. 1  Types of Mechanical Waves
16 Sound and HearingThermodynamics
17 Temperature and Heat
18 Thermal Properties of Matter
19 The First Law of Thermodynamics
20 The Second Law of ThermodynamicsElectromagnetism

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