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计算物理学导论 英文版 (英)TaoPang 著 2001年版

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计算物理学导论 英文版
作者:(英)TaoPang 著
出版时间: 2001年版
disclaimer of Warranties
1 Introduction
1.1 Computations and science
1.2 The emergence of modern computers
1.3 Computer algorithms and languages
2 Basic numerical methods
2.1 Interpolations and approximations
2.2 differentiation and integration
2.3 Zeros and extremes of a single-variable function
2.4 Classical scattering
2.5 Random number generators
3 Ordinary differential equations
3.1 initial-value problems
3.2 The Euler and Picard methods
3.3 Predictor-corrector methods
3.4 The Runge-kutta method
3.5 Chaotic dynamics of a driven pendulum
3.6 Boundary-value and eignevalue problems
3.7 The shooting method
3.8 Linear equations and the Sturm-Lioville problem
3.9 The on-dimensional Schordinger equation
4 Numerical methodes for matrices
5 Spectral analysis and Gaussian quadrature
6 Partial differential equations
7 Molecular dynamics simulations
8 Modeling continuous systems
9 Monte Carlo simulations
10 Numerical renormalization
11 Symbolic computing
12 High-performance computing

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