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中外物理学精品书系 引进系列 关联电子模型中的有限尺度效应 精确结果 英文影印版 [(乌)兹维亚金] 2012年版

  • 名  称:中外物理学精品书系 引进系列 关联电子模型中的有限尺度效应 精确结果 英文影印版 [(乌)兹维亚金] 2012年版 - 下载地址1
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中外物理学精品书系 引进系列 关联电子模型中的有限尺度效应 精确结果 英文影印版

1.1 Why is the Topic of the Book Worthwhile Studying?
1.2 Thermodynamics
1.3 Statistical Mechanics: Simple Models
1.4 Mermin-Hohenberg Theorem

2.Quantum Spin-1/2 Chain with the Nearest-Neighbour Couplings
2.1 One-Dimensional Spin Hamiltonian
2.2 Ising Chain
2.3 Isotropic XY Ring
2.4 Ising Chain in a Transverse Magnetic Field
2.5 Dimerized XY Chain

3.Co-ordinate Bethe Ansatz for a Heisenberg-Ising Ring
3.1 Bethe Ansatz
3.2 Simple Solutions of the Bethe Ansatz Equations:Strings
3.3 Thermodynamic Bethe Ansatz
3.4 The Ground State Behaviour
3.5 Magnetic Field Behaviour in the Ground State:Wiener-Hopf Method

4.Correlated Electron Chains:Co-ordinate Bethe Ansatz
4.1 Hubbard Chain
4.2 t-J Chain

5.Algebraic Bethe Ansatz
5.1 The Algebraic Bethe Ansatz for a Spin-1/2 Chain
5.2 SU(2)-Symmetric Spin-S Chain
5.3 The Algebraic Bethe Ansatz for Correlated Electron Models

6.Correlated Quantum Chains with Open Boundary Conditions
6.1 Open Boundaries. XY and Ising Chains
6.2 Open Boundaries:Co-ordinate Bethe Ansatz for the Heisenberg-Ising Chain
6.3 Open Boundaries. The Algebraic Bethe Ansatz
6.4 Open Hubbard Chain
6.5 Open Supersymmetric t-J Chain

7.Correlated Quantum Chains with Isolated Impurities
7.1 Impurities in XY Chains
7.2 Impurities in Spin Chains:Bethe Ansatz
7.3 Impurity in Correlated Electron Chains

8.Correlated Quantum Chains with a Finite Concentration of Impurities
8.1 Impurities’Bands
8.2 Disodered Ensembles of Impurities in Correlated Chains “Quantum Transfer Matrix” Approach

9.Finite Size Corrections in Quantum Correlated Chains
9.1 Finite Size Corrections for Quantum Spin Chains
9.2 Finite Size Corrections for Correlated Electron Chains
9.3 Elements of Conformal Field Theory
9.4 Asymptotics of Correlation Functions
9.5 Persistent Currents in Correlated Electron Rings

10.Beyond the Integrability:Approximate Methods
10.1 Scaling Analysis
10.2 Bosonization


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